Senin, 30 Januari 2012

Ever Wish Your Boss Was Dead) (Horrible Boss) *the Movie (2011)

Ringkasan Cerita FILM HORRIBLE BOSSES (2011) :
Punya Bos yang menyebalkan? Tidak akan menaikkan pangkat kita? Terlalu bernafsu tinggi? dan lain sebagainya akan membuat kita tidak akan merasa betah dan ingin keluar dari kerjaan kita. Atau mencari opsi lain untuk memecahkan masalah ini.

3 orang yang mengalami permasalahan ini adalah Dale, Kurt dan Nick memiliki masalah dengan bos mereka masing-masing. Mereka tidak tahan lagi kerja dengan posisi yang bos mereka menjengkelkan seperti itu dan membuat mereka tidak betah. Mencoba keluar dari pekerjaan bisa membuat mereka stress karena sulit untuk mencari pekerjaan lain, lalu apa yang mereka harus lakukan?

Membunuh boss mereka satu persatu agar jabatan mereka naik atau tidak bertemu dengan mungkin menjadi jalan pintas memecahkan masalah mereka. Maka dari itu mereka bertiga sepakat untuk menyewa pembunuh bayaran untuk dapat memecahkan masalah mereka tersebut. Akhirnya mereka menemukan Motherfucker Jones  yaitu pembunuh bayaran. Berhasilkah mereka membunuh bos-bos menyebalkan itu? 

Pernah mengalami kejadian seperti di film komedi diatas?
Saya yakin semua pasti pernah kesal dengan atasan, entah itu atasan langsung maupun atasan tidak langsung.
Entah atasan yang selalu bikin kita pulang terlambat, yang selalu mengomel hingga atasan yang iri terhadap bawahan.
Berada dalam posisi yang lebih tinggi, tidak menutup kemungkinan atasan merasa iri terhadap bawahan. Dalam banyak kasus kenalan saya (bahkan saya sendiri), seringkali kami berada dalam posisi yang sulit dan tidak menyenangkan dalam menghadapi atasan yang selalu mengomel atau bahkan mencampuri urusan pribadimu. 

Namun demikian, bukan berarti kami harus menyewa jasa profesional untuk membalaskan dendam kami. Bagi saya pribadi (yang kebetulan terlahir dengan watak cuek naujubillah), berbagai karakter atasan sebaiknya dengan dihadapi dengan gaya classy dan elegan. Jika kau diomeli hanya karena dia iri karena si tampan dari divisi IT lagi pdkt denganmu (sementara dia masih lajang), pasang saja tampang datar (toh, dia tidak akan mengomelimu sehari semalam). 
Jangan pernah terpancing, dan akhirnya membalas secara frontal, tapi bukan berarti kau aktif menggosipi dia. Lebih baik, yakinkan saja dirimu, bahwa dia yang bermasalah, bukan kau. Dan selama urusan pekerjaan tetap kau selesaikan secara profesional, abaikan saja atasan yang menyebalkan itu. 
Keep up the good work, don't give a shit with anything else.

Rabu, 25 Januari 2012

(Not-so) My Prince Charming

"Once Upon a times..."

"and the Prince kiss his bride, 
and they live happily ever after"

Well, Okay
Let's get back to the real life,
wake up!!!

To be honest, 
Since I was kid,
I always dream that one day,
my life would be like those bedtime stories 
Having my own fairy Godmother 
who supplied the fancy and sequined dress for me,
and then meeting my prince charming

But the thing is,
those stories is always be a story
never be real,
If you want to get the fancy dress
then you have to work really hard

He may not treat you like Cinderella
He may not have the white and fast horse
He may not have the big castle as well

Then, the question is,

How to know that he's the prince Charming?
well, there's no answer for this question.
Maybe, you think you've met him
He's nice, calm, cute
He's just the man of your dream.
But if he doesn't treat you the way you should be treated
Well, okay... 
You're not a Queen Rania, but still
You should be treated like a princess
He should put his best efforts to be with you
If he act differently,
Then he's not the one.
That's simple
But as long as he loves you, 
and has no fear to admit it
he's your Prince Charming

Rabu, 18 Januari 2012

Life: a tragedy or a comedy

There's always two sides of each story.

Familiar with that quotes?
Well, That's what happens in life.
Sometimes, we're happy. But on the other side, we're sad.
We fall in love, but we can fall out of love too.
Life is made from the choice we make.
We can choose to be happy or sad.
You can fall in love or fall out of love either.
Everything may happens in life,
the thing that matters is how you deal with that.

So, you got Tumor, Cancer, Heartbroken, Jobless, Broke or anything
or your life is awfully desperately poor?
It's your choice,
you can put all the drama and cry your self to sleep
you can stand still, head up and enjoy every second of your life happily.

It's life, with its ups and downs
So you got Tumor, Cancer, heartbroken, Jobless, Broke or anything.
Look down, then you'll see
You may be luckier that someone out there.

There are so many things in life that you can’t control:
earthquakes, war, deaths.
It’s important to remember the things you can control,
things like love and forgiveness

Never give up hope,
Take the leap of faith
Always put the VIP party to your life.
And enjoy while it lasts
Life is Beautiful 

La Vita est Belle
Dolce Vita

Selasa, 17 Januari 2012

My Happiness Starts With Me

Ladies, if someone told you that you need to be settled down to be happy. Then, I'll tell you this: that's wrong!
You can be alone and happy and not feeling any lonely.

Well i'm single, I got my own.
But I'm not feeling desperately lonely.
Last night i went out for my routine getaway.

I decided to watch movie, 
I only had a romantic comedy, a drama, an action and a horror movies as the option.
then I choose to watch "New Year's Eve".

In a theater, i saw couples everyone.
You know, watching a romantic comedy with your lover couldn't be any more romantic.
But I stood there, alone
Feeling like shit? 
Hell no, 
Why should I?

I realized that I have two option,
To feel sad and lonely
Or to sit back, relax and enjoy the movie.

I choose the second option,
and I laugh insanely during the movie.
Guess what?
Laughing and enjoying my life is kind of attractive.
Because right after the movie ended,
a guy just flirted at me.
He smiled, then started a conversation.
He offered me a coffee, but unfortunately it's getting late.

Ladies, what should you learn from my story is,
being single doesn't mean you can't be happy.
Because happiness starts with you.
Single and in a relationship are just a titles.
Your heart determines your true relationship status.

I agree with Christopher McCandles (Into the Wild, the movie)
"Happiness only real when shared."
But you have to be happy with yourself first,
then you can share your happiness with others.
You know what? happiness is sort of contagious.
You've got to provide happiness for yourself first 
and then I bet other people want to join your party.

Remember Ladies,
A Happily ever after doesn't start with "I do.."
It starts with YOU.