Senin, 01 Agustus 2011

To-Do Before I Die

1.      Visit Mecca and Madinah
2.      Go to Danny Gokey concert and/or cruise.
3.      Visit 25 nations (airport terminals don't count). So far: USA, South Korea, China, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, France (8).
4.      Visit all 99 cities. So far: Bali, Yogyakarta, Malang, Surabaya and other cities of East Java, Bengkulu, Lampung, Palu, Toraja, Palopo, Bandung, Bogor, Bekasi, Solo, Balikpapan, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Milwaukee, Corvallis, Niort, Padang, Batam, Ho Cin Mhin,
5.   Marry 
6. Visit Mount Rushmore, Kilimanjaro and Macchu Picchu
7.      Helicopter ride over the Grand Canyon.
8.      Go to a drive-in movie theater.
9.      Design my own wardrobe
10.  Write and sell a book.
11.  Make a website
12.  Walk on the Great Wall of China.
13.  Make love in an airplane.
14.  Make love on an ocean beach.
15.  Make love in a forest.
16.  Get road head.
17.  Send a message in a bottle.
18.  Sleep a night in a snow fort I built.
19.  Fly a giant kite.
20.  Swim across a large lake.
21.  Flatten coins on a train track.
22.  Lie in bed an entire day.
23.  Eat a large, live insect.
24.  Ride a mechanical bull.
25.  Grow and eat my own vegetables.
26.  Sleep under the stars.
27.  Have a meaningful conversation with a beggar
28.  Hit a home run.
29.  Adopt an accent for an entire day.
30.  Take a long road trip with friends.
31.  Sing karaoke enthusiastically.
32.  Start a business.
33.  Call or write my congressperson.
34.  Have cosmetic surgery.
35.  Fire a gun.
36.  Have my picture in a newspaper.
37.  Dye my hair nonsensically.
38.  Live abroad.
39.  Do 100 sit-ups in a row.
40.  Write a letter of thanks for a good product or customer service.
41.  Write a letter of complaint for a bad product or customer service.
42.  Climb a tall tree all the way to the top.
43.  Put on and act in a stage performance and play the role I’ve played when I was a kid.
44.  See the northern lights.
45.  Yell "I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore!" in a crowded area.
46.  Learn to say the alphabet backwards really, really fast.
47.  Meet someone I met on the Internet in real life.
48.  Fast (intake nothing but water) for 72 hours.
49.  Tutor a mentally challenged student. )
50.  Build a working piece of furniture.
51.  Get professionally certified.
52.  Converse with a parrot.
53.  Learn a programming language.
54.  Create and sign more petitions and join more causes.
55.  Watch American Idol Live and A country concert in Grand Ole Opry
56.  Host an outdoor barbeque.
57.  Be on TV.
58.  See an annular solar eclipse.
59.  Make a once-in-a-lifetime basketball shot.
60.  Provide the police with an anonymous tip.
61.  Shower in the rain again.
62.  Visit an intentional community.
63.  Hitchhike.
64.  Be successfully self-employed.
65.  Practice meditation.
66.  Attend Mardi Gras; crash at day for night's home. ;-)

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