Rabu, 21 Desember 2011

Truth or Dare: try harder or someone else will

Man: "Let's play truth or dare"

Woman: "I dare you to love me"
Man: "that's not a dare, that;s the Truth"

Dear Ladies,
Have you ever dreamed to have such conversation with your crush, or with the one you love?
If you had, then welcome to the club.
you know, it's sucks when you have to keep questioning whether he's into you or not.
feels like counting the button, he loves me, he loves me not.

Ladies, if only we can play such game and get the answer that we have been waiting for too long.
But, not every woman has the guts to ask that question,

Then what should we do?

Well, Don't wait for love. When the time is right, let it come by itself, shows you that it does exist and worth the wait.

But again,

what about if you had been waiting for too long and he said no words but you find he's about to drag his feet away?

No worry,
I will keep telling this,
If he’s not that into you, then you have move on.
If you’re not important for him then don’t put him as the VIP person for you.
Run for your life, Ladies...

It will be hurt at first a little bit, but you’re so over it.
Sooner or later

If he doesn’t put you at the first place, then he doesn’t worth the wait.
If he wants you,
He has to try harder,
Or someone else will

Senin, 12 Desember 2011

Value yourself. refuse to be Anyone's dirty little secret

Case 1:
I have been dating a man for some time now. I'm in love with him but he still dates other woman. when we spend time together, he's so nice and loving, but when we're apart it seems like he doesn't care.

Case 2:
Finally, meeting the man of my dream and then...
meeting his beautiful wife.

have you been in those situation before? or is it happening to you right now?
well, you're not alone dear...
It happens to every woman I know, well...It happens to me as well.
First, I thought i've met the one but then I found out that he's married already. Sucks? hell yeah...
Then, I'm meeting someone and I'm kinda in love with him. But, again, he's still dating his girlfriend.
frustated, confused? For sure,
But I get over it now.
I have to, for the sake of my self.

I refuse to be anyone's dirty little, why? because I'm too fabulous to be anyone's "second choice-last minute-take her for granted-old standby" woman. I'm too great so I should be the "first-place" woman. If he wants me, then he must act.

I refuse to be frustated and confused and being in a crossroad with any man. That's why, If he's still dating with other woman, then I also go seeing other man. 

And the most important thing is, if he shows that I'm no important to him then I also show him that he's no important to me. In summary, I make myself less available to him and date other people. I don't say "yes" that easily whenever if he asked me out to hang out. it's not about being play hard to get but I really want to enjoy my life by refusing to waste my time with the man who doesn't deserve me.

We have a life to live, right ladies?
And yeah...
Because I'm too fabulous for them :)


Senin, 28 November 2011

Chat With my Dad

I know him as a strong person,
kinda high temper, stubborn sometimes
But he also has a big love
He has a big heart
And pleased to show it to the people he loves
He cares a lot to his children
Even when nobody send him a "Happy-Fathers-day" card.

He still come to his children' room to say goodnite,
even when he mad at them.

One day I asked him, "why you never said that you love us?"
Smile, he replied  "I love too much, so I couldn't even find a best word
to describe how much I love you"

PS: to my dad, the best man in my life

Rabu, 07 September 2011

CLBK, Always You

It's been months after we said goodbye. I never thought that I still care until I met you again. I've traveled a lot ever since, and if travel teaches us how to see. then how come all I see is you, always you?

Kita tau jarak tidak pernah salah,waktu itu kau hanya takut jarak mengaburkan rasa kita. Ah, andai kau sedikit lebih yakin pada kita.
Apa kau tau, pipiku masih memerah karena tatapan 9 detikmu? Betapa aku merindukanmu ketika tangan kita tak sengaja bersentuhan.

Dan kau masih saja membuatku terpana dengan kemeja digulung diatas kaos Beatles-mu. Darling, simply.. you take my breath away.

Kau bukan cinta pertamaku, juga bukan cinta pada pandangan pertamaku. Kau satu-satunya cintaku, now and then. Apa kau ingat, betapa dulu kita tidak terpisahkan? Kitapun sering menjadi olok-olokan teman karena kita sangat dekat.
Aku mencintai kesederhanaanmu, terasa tepat untuk meredam kekacauanku. Hanya kau yang bisa membuatku humble dan tetap waras. How can we  be so different and feel so much alike?

Masihkan kita hanya teman, jika kau rela mengikuti taksiku sampai kerumah untuk memastikan aku selamat? I Love you, for that. if i had my chance, I'd never let you go. 

Mungkin kisah kita sekarang seperti cerita Clark Kent dan Lana Lang, mereka berpisah dan moving on, Clark dengan Chloe dan Lana dengan Adam, tapi cinta itu tetap ada dan mereka terpaksa  menyembunyikan perasaan mereka. Seperti halnya aku, I still choose you, even  you're someone else's dream.

Senin, 01 Agustus 2011

To-Do Before I Die

1.      Visit Mecca and Madinah
2.      Go to Danny Gokey concert and/or cruise.
3.      Visit 25 nations (airport terminals don't count). So far: USA, South Korea, China, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, France (8).
4.      Visit all 99 cities. So far: Bali, Yogyakarta, Malang, Surabaya and other cities of East Java, Bengkulu, Lampung, Palu, Toraja, Palopo, Bandung, Bogor, Bekasi, Solo, Balikpapan, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Milwaukee, Corvallis, Niort, Padang, Batam, Ho Cin Mhin,
5.   Marry 
6. Visit Mount Rushmore, Kilimanjaro and Macchu Picchu
7.      Helicopter ride over the Grand Canyon.
8.      Go to a drive-in movie theater.
9.      Design my own wardrobe
10.  Write and sell a book.
11.  Make a website
12.  Walk on the Great Wall of China.
13.  Make love in an airplane.
14.  Make love on an ocean beach.
15.  Make love in a forest.
16.  Get road head.
17.  Send a message in a bottle.
18.  Sleep a night in a snow fort I built.
19.  Fly a giant kite.
20.  Swim across a large lake.
21.  Flatten coins on a train track.
22.  Lie in bed an entire day.
23.  Eat a large, live insect.
24.  Ride a mechanical bull.
25.  Grow and eat my own vegetables.
26.  Sleep under the stars.
27.  Have a meaningful conversation with a beggar
28.  Hit a home run.
29.  Adopt an accent for an entire day.
30.  Take a long road trip with friends.
31.  Sing karaoke enthusiastically.
32.  Start a business.
33.  Call or write my congressperson.
34.  Have cosmetic surgery.
35.  Fire a gun.
36.  Have my picture in a newspaper.
37.  Dye my hair nonsensically.
38.  Live abroad.
39.  Do 100 sit-ups in a row.
40.  Write a letter of thanks for a good product or customer service.
41.  Write a letter of complaint for a bad product or customer service.
42.  Climb a tall tree all the way to the top.
43.  Put on and act in a stage performance and play the role I’ve played when I was a kid.
44.  See the northern lights.
45.  Yell "I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take this anymore!" in a crowded area.
46.  Learn to say the alphabet backwards really, really fast.
47.  Meet someone I met on the Internet in real life.
48.  Fast (intake nothing but water) for 72 hours.
49.  Tutor a mentally challenged student. )
50.  Build a working piece of furniture.
51.  Get professionally certified.
52.  Converse with a parrot.
53.  Learn a programming language.
54.  Create and sign more petitions and join more causes.
55.  Watch American Idol Live and A country concert in Grand Ole Opry
56.  Host an outdoor barbeque.
57.  Be on TV.
58.  See an annular solar eclipse.
59.  Make a once-in-a-lifetime basketball shot.
60.  Provide the police with an anonymous tip.
61.  Shower in the rain again.
62.  Visit an intentional community.
63.  Hitchhike.
64.  Be successfully self-employed.
65.  Practice meditation.
66.  Attend Mardi Gras; crash at day for night's home. ;-)

Minggu, 31 Juli 2011

Life Resolution (My 13-going-30-self-reflection)

1. Be a Tiger, not a chicken
2. Know you are worthy of success, happiness, and love
3. Ego, blame, and impatience are weak. Don't be weak.
4. Kindness, patience, and confidence are strong. Be strong.
5. Accept and thrive in your vulnerability
6. Adapt
7. Be present and live each day to its fullest
8. Be grateful for your gifts, talents, and opportunities
9. Resist pessimism and surround yourself with optimism
10. Be remarkable 
11. More friends
12. Have a family with you

I guess I’m on my way to achieve all the resolution except the last one. I never think about the last one before I met you, I used to happy with my happy-life-as-a-single lady, I used to live normally happy but then you came and opened my eyes that two is better than one. You asked me to say “us” or “we” instead of say “I” or “me”. You wrote the last resolution for me and promised that we’re going to make it someday.

Then suddenly you’re gone, 

I’m hopelessly falling down slowly. When you told me to carry on and convinced me about those best days ahead for me, I know it will be a mess without you.
My life in ruins since you’re gone, but (still) I do not need any reason to get angry with God. Everything must be happened for a reason, anyway.
Well, that's life, as we know it. 

Kamis, 09 Juni 2011

Before You say "I Love You" to me

"A nice guy sees what a mess you can be, how moody you can get, how hard you are to handle. But still wants you in his life"

Baca ini sebelum kau bilang "I Love You",
  1. Rendah Hati: tidak perlu gembar gembor tentang berapa digit jumlah tabungan, berapa digit gajimu, berapa tingkat rumahmu dan sebagainya, Man...saya tidak akan terkesan dengan semua omong kosong yang sounds-like-a-bull itu, stop bluffing, for God Sake...saya bukan cewek matre. Rendah hati juga tidak sama dengan rendah diri, jadi meskipun saya il-feel dengan pria narsis bukan berarti kau harus terus-terusan merendahkan dirimu. Just going down to earth, be yourself. I'll fall in love for you, in the way you are not in the way you want to be. Be humble, darl...!!!!
  2. Honest: The truth hurts, but it doesn't kill. The lie pleases, but it doesn't heal. So, don't you dare to lie to me. I'm absolutely, totally, extremely hate it.
  3. Patience: karena sinis dan jutek sudah bawaan orok, jadi bersabarlah. If you can't, then it means you're not strong enough to be my man.
  4. Slow: please, moves slowly. Don't go too fast, bilang saya anti romantisme. Tapi, beri saya waktu bukannya saya tidak percaya dengan Love at the first sight tapi, (sekali lagi) kadang Cinta butuh waktu. Please, I need to be convinced that we're meant to be together. And hey, i love a bubbly relationship, so be my best friend and get a chance to know each other then let's Love find the way.
  5. Respect: I do sin, but I'm not a sinner. I do good, but I'm not a Saint. treat me like a woman, not a whore bukannya saya anti PDA (Public Display of Affection), tapi bukan berarti kemesraan itu harus diumbar yang membuat orang-orang disekitar kita berkomentar "bitch please, get a room!".
  6. the last but not least: a wise man said if you want to be happy with a woman, love her more, understand her less. So don't try to understand me, just try to get a long with my-horrible-roller-coaster-mood-swing.
And remember this...never say I love you, if you don't really care...never talk about feelings, if they aren't really there...never touch a life, if you mean to break a heart...never say you're going to, if you don't plan to start...never look me in they eye, when all you do is lie...never say hello, if you really mean good-bye.

Sabtu, 02 April 2011

Untuk Sang Pemilik Hati

Jika ada pedih yang mesti datang, percepatlah datangnya.
Karena aku punya hidup untuk kujalani, dan mesti kujalani dengan cara terbaik.
Jika Ia harus memilih, semoga ia memilih sekarang.
Maka aku akan menunggu, atau melupakannya.
Menunggu itu menyakitkan.
Melupakan juga menyakitkan.
Tetapi, tak tahu mana yang harus dijalani adalah derita yang terburuk
(By The River Piedra I Sat Down & Wept - Coelho)

Menunggunya memang menyakitkanku, karena entah sampai kapan dia pantas untuk ditunggu
Tetapi meninggalkannya juga sakit, karena berarti aku harus membohongi hati
Dia telah memilih dunianya, tanpa aku didalamnya.
Dengan berat hati, aku menjauh untuk menjalani duniaku sendiri.
Dengan sedikit keyakinan dihati, sedih akan segera pergi.
Aku harus yakin hidup yang lebih baik, telah menanti.

Selasa, 29 Maret 2011

sign the petition, please...

Dear Friend,
Please sign my petition and help me to reach 3030 goals.
it needed just one click to make a better world for you and me.
here is the link:

