Kamis, 18 Oktober 2012


Once upon a time there was a child ready to be born. One day he asked God: "They tell me you are sending me to earth tomorrow, but how am I going to live there being so small and helpless?"
God replied "Among the many angels, I have chosen one especially for you. She will be waiting for you and will take care of you."
The child said "But here in Heaven, I don't do anything but sing and smile and that's enough for me to be happy."
God said "Your angel will sing for you and will also smile for you every day. You will feel your angel's love and be happy."
The child asked "How am I going to understand when people talk to me, if don't know the language they speak?"
"Your angel will teach you the most beautiful and sweet words you will ever hear, and with much patience and care, your angel will teach you how to speak", God replied.
"What am I going to do when I want to talk to you?" questioned the child.
God responded "Your angel will place your hands together and teach you how to pray."
"I've heard that on earth there are bad men. Who will protect me?" the child asked. Again, God answered "Your angel will defend you, even if it means risking her own life."
The child responded "But I will always be sad because I will not see you anymore."
"Your angel will always talk to you about me and will teach you the way for you to come back to me, even though I will always be next to you" God answered.
At that moment, there was much peace in Heaven, but voices from earth could already be heard, and the child, in a hurry, asked softly: "Oh, God, if I am about to leave now, please tell me my angel's name."
God replied "Your angel's name is of no importance. You will call your angel Mommy."

30 Rocks! (the not-so-exciting times or an elegance of life)

01 - Age 30 brings dignity and respect to the mind and heart. So just work on that elegance better.

02 - Age 30 brings forth the maturity of the mind, overcoming the frivolousness of the '20's. Realize that.

03 - More compliments are on the anvil – more than you would get when you were in your 20s. Always keep in mind: a look of elegance at 30 wows more than the glamor of the 20s.

04 - Choose your friends and stick with them. Remember two good friends at 30 is worth 10 when you were younger.

05 - At 30 you save more money! As going to the salon and blow drying your hair may not be the best way to have great hair. After all its time to be more responsible; instead a hair care regimen at home and the right shampoo and conditioner would work wonders.

06 - Accept the fact that at 30 you have to look after yourself a little more. You can't be too carefree about your figure and eat what you like. But if you accept it as your way of life then it's cool and you have a radiant look.

07 - Stop tricking your body. Exercise light. Exercise regular to keep fit and fight fat. And of course you still look great and would continue to do so even when you are well into your 40s.

08 - Choose a shade of lipstick that suits you best. Said who that you can't wear red lipstick when 30?

09 - Feel romantic. Feel young and active in the mind. It really works.

10 - Spend more time with yourself. Chances are you would welcome this and enjoy your own company more than that of anyone else.

I may be thirty, but I'll always be flirty ;))


A mere thirty years ago this day
My heart took flight - I was swept away
Afraid to hope but not wanting to fear
I couldn’t wait for my babe to appear
I always say it was love at first sight
You were the outcome of my plight
Kicking and squalling you burst into view
Somehow denoting you had much to do
I looked down at you through tears of joy
Even better for me – you weren’t a boy!
What luck did I have to receive this prize
Also knowing you had 2 perfect eyes
Words can never express what we felt
To feel such joy, have our hearts melt
Daddy’s little girl, mom’s little doll
You brought us joy and kept us in thrall
Blessings you’ve brought have been numerous
Though not every moment has been humorous
You taught us much and gave us such pleasure
These 30 years has become our treasure
Where would I be without my baby days
Surely I’d be in a befuddled haze
With you came wonder and adventures
So much to learn, many new ventures

I can attest in parenting each day’s a ride
With you, Babe, we’ve been filled with pride
Always knowing just what you wanted
Even in bad times, you went undaunted
Your life has seen strife and much passion
But you’ve emerged in remarkably poised fashion
What would a “perfect” daughter possess
Without a doubt you are her with fines
It seems only yesterday to me
I held my pink little bundle so happily
Though it pains me time passed by so fast
It’s a a blessing to see love bloom and last
A most beautiful part of your father and me
I’ll treasure our moments until eternity
The future holds much to see and do
We watch to see where life takes you
Grateful we both are for our little girl
The oyster containing a beautiful pearl
What a priceless gift we received that day
Making 30 years seem like yesterday
We may not know what your future will hold
But be assured we’ll happily watch it unfold
Blessings sometimes come out of the blue
We believe that when we think of you
Happy birthday, Babe and many more
You are the daughter that we adore
Hoping you prosper and have all that you need
Happiness, memories and true love indeed
Know that we were here- right from the start
You will always and forever have our heart

P.S I love You, My future daughter :)

Senin, 08 Oktober 2012

Now You're Gone

"Nobody wanna see us together, don't matter what"
That's what you whisper on my ear, 
I know it was a famous song but it feels like you wrote the lyric
for me only

Years gone by, as we took a different path
You went your way, and I lived mine
But the feeling stayed the same every time you sent me text
Or every time you called 
It brings all the memories back

"Nobody wanna see us together, no don't matter what"
"But we will fight for our right to love, babe"
"we just have to wait, be patience"
"Love will lead us back, just wait"
So I wait, and kept waiting

Though you're gone
to live a life with the one you've found on the half way
It kinda hit but I know you're still out there
for me to reach out whenever I need you

Few days ago, you told me that you're near by me
Asked me to hang out like the old times
but then I said "wait, not now"
You said nothing

Then one black night came,
They said you were gone
Not only to take a different path from mine
You're gone to leave the world I live in

Though people was right
Tomorrow maybe too late to say goodbye
What if I see you that day?
What would you say to me?
Are we the same person like we used to be?
What if tomorrow never comes?

So now you're gone,
No goodbye's
like you always did
because you know I hate to say goodbye 
So see you later

In Loving Memory
Sepupu bersuara merdu
6 Oktober 2012 


At the same point, you have to realize that
some people can stay in your heart
but not in your life

Gotta big my (Not-so-called) fairytale

Cinderella, dengan bantuan ibu peri akhirnya bisa pergi ke pesta dansa untuk bertemu dengan pangeran, blablabla.... 
and they lived happily ever after

Sang putri tidur yang dikutuk hingga tahunan lamanya dapat bangun lagi karena ciuman seorang pangeran, akhirnya mereka jatuh cinta ....
and they lived happy ever after

sejak kecil kita di doktrin tentang hidup ala putri buatan Disney, yang kelihatannya sempurna dengan gaun dan sepatu yang indah (I think I've written about this but hell yeah..who cares). Hingga dewasa, kita masih saja disuguhi cerita-cerita romantis ala Hollywood di mana pemeran wanitanya selalu memiliki apartemen/rumah yang bagus, baju dan sepatu merek desainer ternama meskipun pekerjaannya hanya sebagai penulis (sigh), rambutnya selalu tertata rapi meskipun hanya keluar membeli kopi. Lalu mereka bertemu dengan the man of their dream, fall in love then happy ending ala Hollywood. Belum lagi novel-novel yang beredar di pasaran. ceritanya berkisar pada anak nerdy yang suatu terbangun dan menyadari dirinya seorang putri pewris kerajaan, atau cewek geek yang sukses membuat pangeran jatuh cinta, ataupun cerita tentang wanita yang way too damn lucky karena bisa dapat suami dokter bedah super kaya blablabla...

To be honest, cerita-cerita tersebut tidak melulu mengajarkan kita untuk bermimpi setinggi langit. Ada nilai moral yang terkandung dalam setiap cerita, kita harus bersusah payah dahulu jika menginginkan sesuatu seperti Cinderella yang terus-terusan disiksa oleh ibu tiri atau Putri Aurora yang harus dikutuk hingga tertidur selama bertahun-tahun. But in the end, they got the Prince.

Kadang saya berharap bias punya hidup seperti di salah satu dongeng putri atau seperti di salah satu film komedi romantis kesukaan saya. Paling tidak saya tidak harus repot mengurus rambut, atau bingung memikirkan baju yang akan dipakai, atau bahkan saya tidak harus kebelet ke toilet. Yang lebih indah lagi (prett), setiap kali saya sedih, akan selalu ada pangeran/pria ganteng yang mengejar hingga ke stasiun Grand Central atau ke puncak Empire State Building di New York, lalu berlutut dengan latar belakang flash mob yang diiringi lagu kenangan kami berdua, dia menyatakakan cinta lalu meminta saya menikah dengannya.

Tapi ketika saya justru bertemu dengan pria yang cuek, acuh tak acuh dan sama sekali tidak romantis (jangan lupa betapa datarnya dan heartless-nya dia), tapi justru saya merasa nyaman dengan ketidakacuhannya. Apa lantas dia bukan my Prince Charming? But why him? he never did any prince charming shit like in a fairy tale, he can't do any prince charming shit like in a movie. But why does everything feel so damn right and we're that comfortable with each other's nearness. Well, he maybe emotionless, but I'm also emotional damaged and It's what makes this so awesome.  

Well, my Prince Charming isn't coming to rescue me in a horse and carriage. That's not who I want. I mean, I'm looking for a man to be my partner. I could take on the world with. I gotta big my fairy tail. 
Maybe that heartless-emotionless-lempeng-cuek guy is my real Prince Charming.
Why not him?